Middle School and high-school participants will focus on combating the effects that their environment has on young men. This focus is based on the acknowledgement that racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, and other oppressive forces exist and persist at institutional and individual levels in American society and that they disproportionately affect young black men of color.
Program Goals
Each week we will meet via Microsoft Teams on a Saturday Morning 11am-12pm looking to resolve issues in a 1-to-many discussion on topics that directly affect the youth. Some of the topics include: •PURPOSE •GRATITUDE •ENERGY •LISTENING SKILLS •STRONG BELIEFS & VALUES •LEAD BY EXAMPLE •ACKNOWLEDGE OTHERS INTERESTED? KNOW SOMEONE THAT THIS IS PERFECT FOR? SIGN-UP NOW KAPPA LEAGUE ENROLLMENT FORM
Middle School and high-school participants will participate in this mentoring training to help present new ways of thinking about WHO I AM in school, at work, and at home for the youth. So that they can be better prepared and respond to situations differently than they have in the past and they will refer to this as adding “Tools” in my “Toolbox”.
Create a NEW narrative, Build & promote their brand, and display their image by controlling the perception to create their own LEGACY.